Database Software Comparison

Database Software Comparison of what is available in 2019 There is lots of database software available and all have pros and cons. Databases are the backbone of most of the systems we interact with daily. Databases have broad storing/searching functionality and allow...
what is cpanel

what is cpanel

What is cpanel? C panel is a control panel used to allow you interact with your hosting. Cpanel is Lynux based but can be used on windows and many other platforms. Simply put, it is just a collection of the most used functions you are likely to need to interact with...
Google business to improve website ranking

Google business to improve website ranking

Google Business for YOUR business This article explains how to setup and use google business so that your website and business details are available to customers potential online customes. Google business is a great way to help you stand out from the crowd and will...
what is a wordpress theme

what is a wordpress theme

What is a WordPress theme? A wordpress theme is a website design (or the ability to make a website design) that is your runs on the wordpress CMS. Different themes can deliver different looks and all will give slightly different controls to allow you to make changes...

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