Watch Movies Online

How To Install Kodi… in just a few minutes!

I get asked how people watch new shows like Game Of Thrones (major fan) so much, I decided to write a quick guide on how people can watch TV shows and Watch Movies Online without the major risk of viruses etc. from bad sources. There are many providers of software to both stream tv live or watch movies and box-sets, as soon as they are aired. Hopefully this grey area will not be grey soon and we will all get to enjoy shows without ads as soon as they are aired in their country – it is surely something we would all be willing to pay a few quid for!

This is (obviously) just for information purposes and if anyone chooses to use the below information to watch shows online, Arrow Design takes no responsibility – you should check the legality of watching shows online in your area!!

Kodi Is Used To Watch Movies Online!

People us lots of devices to Watch Movies Online. Kodi can be used on phones, pc’s & tablets… although apple users will need their device jail broken.

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Watch Movies Online is what people say – when they get free access to movies and tv online.


a) The First Set Of Steps THEY do is:

  1. The first step is to install kodi:

Click Here:         (Just choose your platform, download the file and double click it!)

b) The Second Set Of Steps THEY do is:

2. Once installed, configure by:

3. click                        system

4. click                        file manager

5. click                        add source (double click)

6. click                        (type source path)                                                         :                    ‘’

7. click                        (type name[can be anything, example provided])         :                     ‘fusion’

8. click                        ‘ok’

c) The Third Set Of Steps They do is:

9. click on the ‘home’ icon to go back to front screen, then do this:

10. click                        System

11. click                        Settings

12. click                        Add-ons

13. click                        Install from zip file

14. click                        ‘fusion’ (or what ever you called it)

15. click                        ‘start-here’

16. click                        ‘plugin video hubwizard’ (last one in list)

17. click                        ‘install from zip file’

d) The Final Set Of Steps They do is:

18. click on the ‘home’ icon to go back to front screen

19. click                        Programs

20. click                        Config Wizard

21. click                        choose your operating system

Watch Movies Online…is what people say 🙂

Using Kodi to watch shows online is not at all difficult. On the home screen, choose video, genesis tab (easiest to use, but they all work) and enjoy. That is how people watch movies online…apparently!

Arrow Design – Always there to help.

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read the next post : How people watch football live!
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